Hospital Info

About the MRI KPA

Who we are

Established in 1985,  Manchester Royal Infirmary Kidney Patients’ Association (MRI KPA) exists to promote the welfare of persons receiving treatment at MRI, for disease or illness affecting the kidneys, irrespective of where they were referred from.

As renal patients we have created this site to help you if you are:

  • a patient diagnosed with Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) or Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
  • a carer, relative of friend of a patient
  • a person considering organ donation
  • a person considering or wanting to make a charitable donation to the MRIKPA
  • Local General Practitioners (GPs)

We have created this site with

  • Information and work about the MRIKPA
  • General information about kidney disease, treatments and diets
  • News and information specific to the renal and transplant teams at Manchester Royal Infirmary

Click the logo above for the latest public transport information to get to Manchester Royal Infirmary – part of the Oxford Road Hospital Campus.

Click map to download as a PDF

Manchester Royal Infirmary has a section of their website dedicated to Patient Experience.

Click HERE to leave a Patient Review for the Hospital Management.

What we do

The objects of the Association shall be to promote, the welfare of persons receiving treatment at Manchester Royal Infirmary, for disease or illness affecting the kidneys, irrespective of where they are referred from; (hereinafter called the kidney patients), and to provide support and advice to them, their relatives and others concerned with their welfare. The Association also supports other kidney patient groups throughout the North West.

The Association is run by patients for patients. Most of the committee members are either dialysis or transplant patients and have a wealth of knowledge relating to the kidney journey.

The main things we do are, we:

  • Provide opportunities for kidney patients, their relatives and others concerned with their welfare, to share ideas of mutual benefit.
  • Provide support and practical assistance for kidney patients, their relatives and others concerned with their welfare, according to need.
  • Promote a wider knowledge and understanding of the needs and problems of kidney patients, their relatives and others concerned with their welfare, to the public and the appropriate authorities.
  • Raise funds for the achievement of the objects.
  • Campaign on behalf of kidney patients for improvements in treatment and care.
  • Promote well-being of kidney patients, their relatives and others concerned with their welfare by signposting to the provision of a trained counselling service, (as provided through the Trust).
  • Do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objects of the Association.
Contact committee members of the MRIKPA using the form at the bottom of this page, by emailing or clicking on an individual Committee Member’s email icon below their team profile.

Your MRI KPA team

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