Arm skin patch system could warn of organ rejection

Revisiting Patient Stories | My Kidney Transplant Experience (2013)

My Kidney Transplant Experience By: Dorothy Shelley, Sunnyside, New York My family and I did not recognize the symptoms initially, so I wasn’t diagnosed with kidney disease until the age of 12. Nine years later on January 18, 1983, at the age of 21, I received a transplanted kidney from my older brother Robert. Thirty […]
Kidney Patient Reported Experience Measure

World Kidney Day: A Beacon of Hope and Progress

As the Chair of a Kidney Patients’ Association, I am pleased to share with you the remarkable significance of World Kidney Day. This annual event is a beacon of hope and progress for kidney patients and their families worldwide. It’s a day when our global community comes together in an unprecedented show of solidarity, raising […]
Key Dates 2023

Monthly MRI KPA committee meetings We hold a meeting on the first Wednesday of every month. Due to Covid-19 these meetings are currently held virtually. Various topics are discussed including our strategy, issues raised via patients’, updates on discussions with clinicians, concerns and possible solutions over the service provided by Renal or Transplant at MRI, […]
Diet and Food – NKF Information

Healthy eating for Kidney Patients

NIH guide to eating right for Chronic Kidney Disease

Benefits available for Carers

5 ways to help your friend or family member with Kidney Failure